Louise Allan: #Robinpedia


Louise Allan is an Australian writer from Perth who keeps writers in her attic.That sounds weird and a bit scary but I can explain…. She’s a big fan of Stephen King’s Misery. Kidding! You see, it’s more of a metaphorical attic. That’s right, attics can hold more than madwomen, they can also hold writers.

Writers in the Attic is an author spotlight that Louise Allen hosts on her blog. It is an online space where writers chat about their writing processes and what has helped shape them become the writer that they are. It has hosted heavy weights such as Natasha Lester, Tess Woods, and also the likes of MEEEEEE.

In January of 2018 Louise Allan released her debut novel, The Sisters’ Song, through Allen & Unwin. It is set in rural Tasmania in the 1920s and explores intergenerational trauma and familial bonds. The unpublished manuscript of The Sisters’ Song was awarded a Varuna residential fellowship in 2014 AND shortlisted for the City of Fremantle-TAG Hungerford Award. It has been positively received by both critics and readers. It currently has a rating of 4.5 on GoodReads with over 70 ratings.

Louise Allan is a former doctor, grew up in Tasmania, and now resides in Perth. She has a passion for music, performing in the musical Godspell and singing with the Western Australia Symphony Orchestra. Currently she is published by Allen & Unwin, represented by Lyn Tranter of Australian Literary Management, and loved by many.

Find Louise Allan’s website here.

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2 responses »

  1. You are so funny! In all my wildest dreams, never did I ever imagine my life would be summed up in this way. Now, at least, I know I’ve made it because I’m have my own Robinpedia page. 🙂

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